PCSI OSSLS – A collaborative effort to deploy cost-effective fuzzing in software delivery pipelines

The Partnership for Cybersecurity Innovation (PCSI) is a public-private partnership among ABN AMRO, Achmea, ASML, Belastingdienst, ING, and TNO. PCSI partners work together on innovative cybersecurity solutions that can be used to protect Dutch companies and organizations against tomorrow's cyber-attacks.

PCSI-OSSLS (PCSI-OSSLS) is an innovation project addressing one of the urgent themes identified as: “increasing dependency on Open Source Software Libraries (OSSLs)”. Early stage discovery (shift-left) of exploitable vulnerabilities, reduces security risks in systems and applications. PCSI-OSSLS combines security testing with regular functional software testing to improve code quality with increased coverage, and thus also increasing the security of software applications against cyberattacks that leverage vulnerabilities in OSSLs.

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is een samenwerking van
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO