PQC benchmarking

Started in May 2024

Companies are hesitant to start with their Post Quantum Cryptography migration journey because of uncertainty on the performance impact of such a migration. We aim to remove this uncertainty and motivate to act now, by benchmarking common corporate systems, choosing systems which are: very commonly used, high throughput, low resource or critical building blocks of organisations. We want to show what the performance impact will be in practice, and share migration experience so that others will have a smooth and well-informed migration.



The emergence of quantum computers, which will be able to break a part of our current day cryptography in the future, necessitates companies to consider migrating their cryptography. However, even when the organisation has determined which cryptography to migrate, organisations are hesitant to start migration due to:

  • Lack of hands-on migration experience
  • Unknown impact of the migration (performance wise)

Project Proposal

We aim to remove this uncertainty and motivate to act now, by benchmarking common corporate systems, choosing systems which are: very commonly used, high throughput, low resource or critical building blocks of organisations. We want to show what the performance impact will be in practice, and share migration experience so that others will have a smooth and well-informed migration.

Expected benefits of the PQC benchmarking project?

  • Concrete migration experience
  • Data on performance impact of PQC vs current cryptography, for real systems
  • An overview where PQC might not be a suitable alternative

Why do we want to work on this idea within the PCSI?

The partners together represent a good and diverse intersection of real world systems that will be impacted, including high performance network components, SCADA, health care systems, and financial systems, like bankcards.

Activities in Explore phase

  • Discovering existing performance research
  • Determining concrete use cases for the POC
  • Specifying method


The fictional image above is created with the use of Midjourney

This project is part of the trend

19 Opportunity and threat August 2027

Maturing of quantum technology

Quantum technology is increasingly maturing. It entails a fundamentally different approach to computing than classical computers. This approach allows quantum computers to perform complex computations in a fraction of time it would take classical computers to run the same calculations. This offers, on one end, new possibilities to strenghten current cyber security activities, but on the other hand, it allows quantum-capable attackers to break most currently-used cryptographic systems.
Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO