
Market Day Cybersecurity of TNO

This event took place on 30 June 2022, Security Delta (HSD) Den Haag

Our partner TNO is organizing an inspiring event with a lot of presentations for everyone who is interested in TNOs technologies in the field of cybersecurity.

Want to know how you can benefit from knowledge building, collaboration and innovation around cybersecurity? Do you want to know where TNO stands in the field of cybersecurity? Come to the TNO Market Day Cybersecurity.
You will get a look behind the scenes at TNO. They will show you which technologies TNO has developed in recent years to keep Dutch organisations and companies safe and resilient. And what societal issues and challenges they are currently being worked on.

PCSI will be present with several presentations and demos of some of our projects. You can also subscribe to join a mini ideation workshop. This gives you some exclusive insights about our innovation process. The mini ideation workshops have limited access places. 

More information about the complete program and free registration via the website of TNO

Location: Security Delta (HSD) in Den Haag.

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO