Cyber Security Radar: foundation for agile security innovation
This event took place on 14 December 2020, PCSI online
During this interactive webinar you will learn more about the role of the Cyber Security Radar and discover a number of important cyber security trends. Highly recommended for anyone interested in cyber security innovation.

Are you:
- Interested in trends in the field of cyber security?
- Curious about how the Partnership for Cyber Security Innovation (PCSI) program works together to achieve efficient and effective security innovation?
- Curious about the part played by Cyber Security Radar and what that radar exactly involves?
The 50-minute interactive webinar provides an introduction to the PCSI program and zooms in on the cyber security radar, which is an important foundation within the PCSI. We will discuss what the radar is, how it was created and how it contributes to agile security innovation now and in the future. We will also explain a number of trends concerning the radar.
For whom?
This webinar is of interest to anyone who has to deal with or is interested in cyber security (innovation). The program is broad in scope and is also suitable for a non-technical audience.
Learn more about
- A number of important cyber security trends
- How the impact of the trends is determined by cyber security experts
- How the Cyber Security Radar contributes now and in the future to cyclical innovation projects
- The PCSI program and how it contributes to strengthening the Cyber Security of the participating financial institutions
Q & A
Have a look at the Q & A's we received and answered during the webinar.
How is time-to-impact determined in the cyber security radar?The experts who participated in the survey estimated the time when the trends will reach their impact. In the last radar the time frame we chose was 5 years. The average score of the experts determined the position of the trends on the radar.
How can new topics be introduced for the cyber security radar?Every six months the radar will be updated. Then we will search for new relevant trends by desk research and interviews with experts from TNO and the participating partners within the PCSI program. Depending on the relevance scores given to the trends during the following survey phase, the trend will have a dominant or less dominant position on the radar. In this way, every participating organization has the opportunity to contribute to new trends. If you are not participating in the PCSI program, but would still like to propose relevant trends, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Is it possible for local government to join?In principle: yes. The PCSI is about open innovation. We have two ways to get involved. You can become a ‘core partner’ just like the current financial partners; we are actively looking for new partners, also outside the financial sector. This involves multi-year commitment and in-cash and in-kind contributions to the PCSI and its projects. We consider this an option for large organisations that have a mature security approach and are ready to collaboratively innovate on security.
The other option is to become involved as a ‘stakeholder’ of the PCSI. This does not involve any in-cash contributions and limited in-kind contributions. This is open to every entity that is interested in the PCSI and its results: e.g. end-users, vendors, government, universities. The idea is to keep this group closely involved in an interactive way and if relevant invite members from this group to individual projects to participate.
Something worth mentioning is that the PCSI receives funding from national government (Holland High Tech with a PPP Grant for Research and Innovation in Top Sector HTSM) for each private company that joins the PCSI as a core partner. We have to assess whether this is also valid for a local government.
Yes, we will publish more information on PCSI projects as they progress and produce more results. We will share as much as possible, but there might be some limitations because of confidentiality/privacy constraints. Regarding involvement in projects: see answer above.
How can an IT security vendor participate for local customersSee the answers above, an IT security vendor could become a member of the PCSI 'stakeholder' group.

Reinder Wolthuis
Reinder is an experienced cyber security innovator and leader, that preferably is in the lead of large and challenging cyber security innovation programs and projects. He considers himself capable of combining a strategic view with concrete ideas on how to realize tangible and usable results. He is loyal and reliable, likes to stimulate cooperation and tries to put in humor where possible.

Corine Bonte
Corine works at TNO and is an expert in trend analyses and has been involved in the development of the Cyber Security Radar.
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