
Self healing security software

This event took place on 6 -9 December 2021, ISF CEC Live, Germany

We are invited to speak on the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Future Cyber Security Technologies (FCST 2021). 

During this symposium, Bart Gijsen of TNO will speak about the development and operation of this special software, which was created in cooperation with various partners in the Partnership for Cyber Security Innovation. He also presents a paper on this topic. More information and the program can be found on the website of FCST 2021.

This symposium is a forum for scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in the areas of cyber security techniques, security challenges and opportunities for emerging technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing, big data, 5G, SDN and many others. 

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO