Cyber Security Radar
The PCSI Security Radar provides an overview of the trends that the PCSI partners have indicated as the ones with the highest impact (either from a risk or opportunity perspective) on their cyber security posture.
The overview in the radar is updated twice a year; this way PCSI can better capture the fast-paced cybersecurity innovation landscape and steer its innovation-related goals and activities accordingly.
The fast-paced innovation landscape in the cybersecurity domain challenges PCSI partners by providing a new version of the Cyber Security Radar twice a year. These frequent updates of the radar not only support several key PCSI activities leading to the start of new PCSI projects, but also help the PCSI program to remain in good sync with the changes in the security landscape that mean the most for the PCSI partners.
The overview in the Cyber Security Radar is the result of collaborative work among experts from all PCSI partner companies. Twice a year, experts from each PCSI partner company submit the trends they want to appear on the radar together with high-level descriptions of why a trend is relevant, and which business case is associated with the trend. Following every submission round, the coordinators of the PCSI partners score the trends on various metrics, such as “Time to Relevance”, “Fit for PCSI”, “Expected Impact”, etc.
A set of ca. 30 trends, that include both trends already present in the radar and newly added trends, is selected for the next 6 months, and a new radar version is made available on the PCSI website.
Trend voting Criteria
The trends in the Security Radar show the focus for the 6 months following a radar update. The radar scores represent an average of the votes cast by all PCSI partner organizations.
The scores in the Security Radar highlight the trends PCSI partners consider most interesting or impactful; the radar sorts and arranges these trends in a visual form that can be intuitively used by the PCSI coordinators and the PCSI steering committee as a reference baseline when prioritizing and selecting new trends for the PCSI Ideation Days, from which new research projects ideas evolve into new collaborative research trajectories.
These are the voting criteria PCSI partners hold every trend on the radar against:
Opportunity or Threat
- Q: Is a trend an opportunity, a threat, or both for your organization?
- A: Opportunity, Both, Threat
Expected Impact
- Q: How high is the expected impact of this trend?
- A: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High
Fit for PCSI
- Q: How suitable is this topic for a collaborative project within the PCSI program?
- A: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult
Time to Relevance
- Q: When will this trend become highly relevant?
- A: Now, 1-2 years, 3-4 years, 5+ years

Rating Panel
Interpreting & Configuring the radar
Radar Visualization
The Cyber Security Radar is depicted as a 180° radial. The default visualization uses the Expected Impact and Time to Relevance metrics for plotting the trends.
- Impact of trends grows towards the y-axis, from left to right.
- The time when the trend will become relevant can be identified by noticing the corresponding-colored dot’s position in the radial; the further the dot lies from the inner center of the radial, the later it will become relevant.
The colored dots indicate the Fit for PCSI metric of how facile or complex carrying out a collaborative project in the PCSI program will be.
Radar Interpretation – Information Bar
The radar offers relevant information for each trend. This information is captured by the right-side pop-up bar that appears when the user clicks on a trend. This bar has two regions – the PCSI Trend description part, and the Details section.
The definition region describes, in short, the selected PCSI trend. One can see its title and associated trend ID, a high-level description and the business case of the cybersecurity trend. Additionally, the tags at the end show the cybersecurity segment and provide the user with quick information about ongoing projects relates to this trend.
The Details region incorporates several sub-sections, such as Rating, Active projects, Tags, and Relations.
- Rating shows the average results of the PCSI partners votes, per each of the criteria described in the Trend Voting Metrics (see sub menu).
- Tags and Active Projects re-iterate the information presented in the Description region. However, Active Projects also shows a link to the PCSI project started around the corresponding trend.
- The last section, Relations, shows interconnection between trends. Some trends’ topic relates to another trend, or it is dependent on it. For example, sharing data in a confidential manner will be impacted by the amount of data that needs to be shared. Hence, the trend “Confidential data sharing” will ‘relate to’ the “Growth of data volume” trend.

Radar Configuration
In the top left corner of the embedded radar, there is a small menu comprised of three buttons.

By clicking on the Configuration button, a customization bar is showed. This screen offers several options to customize the Radar view to fit the user’s interests and needs, such as adding more dimensions and segmentations by the various metrics present.
Besides adding a new Distance metric, and changing the Color scheme present, a user can add up to 3 layers of angular segmentation. Additionally, the user can add a new Dimension to the radar visualization (a halo or donut) to highlight an additional metric.
N.B. Any customized visualization will not be saved, and will be lost as soon as the page is closed or refreshed!
The Legend button shows the color-mapping for the Fit for PCSI metric. The colors show how facile or complex carrying out a collaborative project in the PCSI program, related to the given trend, will be.
The Miscellaneous button allows for changing the radar visualization from a 180° radial to a 360°view. Additionally, the user can toggle on/off visualizing the relations among various Trends.
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