Background of the Radar

The PCSI Security Radar provides an understanding of which trends have the greatest impact (either from a risk or opportunity perspective) on the cyber security posture of the PCSI partners. The Security Radar is thereby a starting point for topic selection to start cyclical innovation projects within the PCSI program, with the aim of strengthening the cyber security of the participating organizations.

The trends on this Radar are the result of extensive literature study, interviews with cybersecurity experts from all PCSI partners and in-depth analyses. Out of this longlist, we create a shortlist of the most relevant trends. Through an online survey among experts of each participating PCSI partner each of these trends was analyzed in-depth.

Each trend was classified as being an opportunity or a threat, it was determined on which time horizon the trend will reach impact, the potential impact of the trend on PCSI partners was assessed and the extent to which the trend would fit in the collaborative innovation process in the PCSI. Finally, a workshop to fine-tune the Radar was organized in order to resolve misalignment in the survey.

Radar update
The Security Radar is updated periodically. Every 4 months, the PCSI steering committee selects the trends from the Security Radar that will be leading for the next innovation cycle. By keeping the Security Radar up to date, we can quickly and easily respond to current developments.

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO