Cyber Security Radar

The PCSI Cyber Security Radar contains the most current and relevant trends for the PCSI partners in the cybersecurity landscape. The PCSI partners use the security radar to select urgent themes to start new innovation projects.

security radar
security radar security radar

How to read the Radar
Each circle on the Security Radar is a cyber security trend. The number within the circle is the number of the trend. When clicking on a circle the trend description will appear, including whether it is considered an opportunity or a threat. Light blue trends include projects

The relevance of trends grows from moderate relevance to very high relevance and is the average of expected impact and expected fit with PCSI. The higher the position of the trend on the Security Radar, the more relevant it is.

The expected time when trends will have an impact can be seen by their position in a circular radius. The further the trend is removed from the inner radar circle, the later the trend is expected to reach impact on the PCSI partners.

Beeldmerk PCSI
PCSI is a collaboration of
    ABN-AMRO Achmea ASML Belastingdienst ING TNO